Saturday, February 22, 2014

Secret of Silat Malaysia Martial Arts

Worry about your own safety? Never have any knowledge about martial arts? Do not have time to go to any martial arts class? Want to learn the Secret of Silat Malaysia Martial Arts but do not know how? All these can not be considered as problem, because everything is at our fingertips nowadays.

There are thousand of ways to learn the Secret of Silat Malaysia Martial Arts and I will share one of my own video today so that you can learn the basics. Hope this step-by-step video simple and easy to follow and hope you enjoy it!

For more videos visit Silat Malaysia Official Website


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. oohhh...excellent video about silat malaysia martial arts... this video helps me a lot...i have tried some 'buah' like in this video and it's really simple and easy to follow...hehe...good job...i really enjoy it =D

  3. wait wait ... what ??????? so ur saying there's actually a way to learn silat from the net ????? AMAZING TRUELY AMZING

  4. Secret of Silat Malaysia~ Such a legend~

    Good job mate!
